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Go to Series 4 繁體   简体   ENGLISH
Goodbye, Devil 【Goodbye, Devil】
Juvenile drug abuse is growing more common, and drug addicts are getting younger nowadays.The 15-year-old Hin has a handsome face and leads a carefree life. However he found life boring and had no mood for studies. His peers lured Hin to become one of their kind by providing “free ketamine meals” to him. Hin became drug addict and relied heavily on ketamine to seek for the feelings of pleasure. Eventually, Hin had became a drug dealer, and all his friends in his circle became his peddling targets. Hin was getting weak and lethargic, his renal function deteriorated - he had to pay frequent visits to the toilets. Drugs had not only impaired his body functions, but also his soul and morals. Nevertheless, what seems ridiculous was that his imprisonment eventually turned out to be his turning point in life. After experiencing the disciplined life in the correctional institute, Hin had learned to cherish parental love and realized the harmful outcome of drugs....the loss of his time and freedom ......
Ah Chung was a porter who worked hard to earn only a meager income. In desperation, he made a reckless move by joining a fraud syndicate through a friend. Obsessed by lust for money, Ah Chung would, at that moment, join any syndicate and be eventually lured to commit crime.
Intentionally or otherwise, Ah Chung tried to hypnotize himself into believing that his acts fell within the grey area of law, and that he was only employing a different method in persuading people to buy cheap products at an excessive price, and those people were investing of their own free will.
Nevertheless, seeing the predicament of the victims, Ah Chung began to have something on his conscience. Seeing his other gang members arrested one by one, Ah Chung's self-deceiving delusion vanished. But the magic of money had made it hard for Ah Chung to extricate himself from the situation, and he continued his work until he was finally sent to prison.
One Wrong Move 【One Wrong Move】
This is a story about how a computer has changed the life of a child. The advent of a computer had changed Ah Lam's world completely - it had become his playmate, friend and family member.
In his primary school days, Ah Lam knew how to fabricate a computer set, had his own website and set up different forums on the web. Indulgence with the computer had upset his daily routine - Ah Lam was always late for school, and there were less and less communication with family members. He left school at Form Four and worked as a shop assistant in a computer shop.
While making payment on the net, he discovered a possible loophole in an online payment system. Out of a desire to show his superior skills, he wrote a computer programme to hack into other people's computers to access passwords. Half out of greed, and half a desire to prove his thinking, as the distinction between virtual and real world has become dim to him, he pressed the button to effect a forged transaction of fifty thousand dollars to his brother's Jockey Club account. He had made an irreversible mistake, and also let his brother involved.
Ah Lam was finally sent to a Training Centre for a term of 6 to 36 months while his brother was sentenced to a community service order.
【A Beautiful Choice】
One day, Jane left work early for home to prepare congee for her husband who was ill. She opened the door and found her husband lying in bed with a woman and taking heroin. In a fit of pique, Jane took drugs with her husband in order not to lose him. But taking drugs did not put an end to her pains. Jane did not escape a divorce by her husband and started a page of bitterer life.
In the days that followed, drugs had taken complete control over her and Jane lived like a walking corpse. After several admittances to the Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Centre, Jane began to think about ending her own life. Fortunately, Madam Chau, staff of the Correctional Services Department, did not give up Jane. With the help of Madam Chau, not only was Jane offered a place in the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention's quarters, but she had also found a job with a “caring employer”.
After the supervision period, Jane found a man she described as “unintelligent”who truly loved her, and started a new love life. With the salary she just received from her “caring employer”, Jane asked herself the question: Isn't it much better to buy myself beautiful clothes to look beautiful than to take drugs and turn ugly! She made a beautiful choice, feeling warm at heart.
A Beautiful Choice
If only I am an ordinary guy 【If only I am an ordinary guy】
At the age of twelve Creamy was in primary six. She found life boring and started playing hooky, smoking and dawdling in games centre. At Form Two she quitted school and since then she had been idling her time away.
At sixteen, Creamy met in a games centre Jason, a former schoolmate, who introduced her to his circle of friends with whom Creamy mingled happily. One day, a sorrowful event happened: there was a squabble which ended up in a fatal case when onlookers poured oil on the flames. Creamy was convicted of “Conspiracy to prevent the lawful burial of a corpse”and sentenced to a Training Centre.
In the initial days at the Training Centre, Creamy, who used to be headstrong and undisciplined, still thought she was innocent. But here she had to re-examine her thinking, obey the rules, study, stand up to pressure and sit examinations. Creamy was nominated by the Training Centre to attend a 3-day Outward Bound training programme, in which she met trainees whom she used to describe as“ordinary guy”. The programme turned out to be an enlightening experience for Creamy who discovered what seemed to her a brand new beautiful world. She hoped she could become an “ordinary guy” after leaving the Training Centre, and be able to make friends with “ordinary guy”.
【Love and Forgiveness】
Wilson had yearned for love all his life. He wanted to be loved but his pursuit of love had brought him lifelong regrets. Wilson was sentenced to life imprisonment only at the age of twenty-five. Wilson did not know how to get along with people since he was young, and had become more and more self-centred as he grew up. He always had the feeling that people were finding faults with and looking down upon him. His mind was filled with suspicion and inferior feelings, and his hot temper had driven people away from him.
Wilson particularly detested the feeling of being disregarded and abandoned, and it was this feeling that ignited his rage and ended up in his killing of the 11-year-old son of his girlfriend. The road ahead looked obscure to him then, and he thought killing the victim could provide an exit to his relationship problem and financial plight.
Today, he found out one thing: be patient for a moment and new solutions will often present themselves, and his anger and hate only stemmed from naive thoughts that were extremely nonsensical. Unfortunately, there is no turning back. How nice it would be if he could start all over again.
Wilson knew well he had to spend endless nights in prison. But he still hoped to be loved, accepted and forgiven.
Love and Forgiveness