Number of psychological counselling and welfare services sessions and visits

Table 2.1: Number of psychological counselling and welfare services sessions and visits

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
(No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits)
In-centre services
Persons in custody under Prison Programme (1) 410 428 410 059 417 275 455 627 499 237
Persons in custody under Training / Detention / Rehabilitation / Drug Addiction Treatment Centre Programmes 48 973 49 210 46 205 57 042 54 722
Persons in custody under Post-release Supervision Scheme, Conditional Release and Release under Supervision, and residents in half-way houses 7 875 8 007 8 777 12 392 6 305
Out-centre services 52 844 51 580 53 476 56 732 64 406
Total 520 120 518 856 525 733 581 793 624 670
Note: (1)   Including Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution which was re-commissioned on 28.5.2021 to accommodate male adult persons who are detained under the Immigration Ordinance Cap. 115 (detainees).


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