The Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST) for applicants of the post of Assistant Officer II will be held in the Hong Kong Correctional Services Academy (location map).
- All applicants for civil service jobs will be assessed on their knowledge of the BLNST. A pass result in the BLNST is an entry requirement for all civil service jobs. Only those candidates who have passed the BLNST will be considered for appointment. For candidates who have not taken the relevant BLNST or have not attained a pass result in the relevant BLNST at the time of application, they may still apply for the job and arrangements will be made for them to take the relevant BLNST during the recruitment process. Candidates who possess a pass result in BLNST (non-degree/non-professional civil service grades at or above completion of secondary education level) will not be arranged to take any BLNST at/below an equivalent level again.
The BLNST (non-degree/non-professional civil service grades at or above completion of secondary education level) paper is a 35-minute bilingual paper (in both English and Chinese), comprising 20 multiple-choice questions. Answering at least 10 out of 20 questions correct will be deemed to have a pass result in BLNST.
All BLNST for the day will be postponed when typhoon signal No. 8 or above, and/or rainstorm signal “Black” is in forced at 0700 hrs. In such circumstances, the applicants concerned will be informed of the re-scheduled dates for the test and any subsequent arrangements as soon as possible.