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Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders


For the purpose of pursuing the long term goal of gaining community support for rehabilitated offenders and gauging views from various sectors of the community on reintegration issues, the Correctional Services Department appointed the Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders (CCSRO) in November 1999 with community leaders, employers, education sector, professionals and representatives of non-government organisations and government departments to advise on the programmes and publicity strategies of the reintegration of rehabilitated offenders.



Terms of Reference

  1. To advise the Commissioner of Correctional Services on the programmes and reintegration strategies of rehabilitated offenders into the community;
  2. To promote community support for rehabilitated offenders through education, publicity and public involvement.


Major functions

On the advice of CCSRO, a series of publicity and public education activities has been held since 1999 with a view to enhancing the community's awareness that :

  1. offenders after release need acceptance and support of their family and the community;
  2. opportunities of working without prejudice against the past wrongdoing of rehabilitated offenders;
  3. employers can assist by providing job opportunities for rehabilitated offenders; and
  4. the successful reintegration of rehabilitated offenders not only helps them turn over a new leaf but also reduces crime and builds a safer society.


Committee members

Honorary Advisors

  • Mr LAU Hon-wah, Steve, SBS, CStJ, JP
  • Mr SIU Chor-kee, SBS, MH, JP


  • Ms TSUI Li, Eileen, BBS, JP


  • Assistant Commissioner (Rehabilitation), Correctional Services Department


  • Mr HO Siu-kong, William
  • Dr IP Nga-min, Tiffany
  • Mr CHOW Chiu-sheung, JP
  • Dr SU Yu-hong, Thomas
  • Dr TSANG Sze-chun, Clive
  • Ms TSIM Ka-lee, Kelly
  • Mr WONG Yin-shun, Vincent, MH
  • Mr TO Kwok-sum, Sam
  • Ms WONG Wai-ching, Connie, GBS, JP
  • Mr NG Tang, David, MH
  • Mr MAK Ka-wing, Patrick
  • Mr CHAN Shing-bong
  • Dr LAU Kam-lun, Edmond, MH
  • Ms LOO Shirley Marie Therese, BBS, MH, JP
  • Mr SY Lai-yin, Sunny
  • Dr WONG Kwok-tin, Martin, MStJ
  • Mr YIM Tsz-yu, Jeffrey
  • Mr YIP Koon-shing, Desmond
  • Representative of Home Affairs Department
  • Representative of Hong Kong Police Force
  • Representative of Information Services Department
  • Representative of Social Welfare Department


  • Chief Executive Officer (Rehabilitation), Correctional Services Department



Address:  Chief Executive Officer (Rehabilitation)
Secretary, Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders
27th Floor, Wanchai Tower,
12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai,
Hong Kong
Telephone:  (852) 2582 5186