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Female Convicted Person - Stationery Type

Female Convicted Person - Stationery Type

Exercise Books Exercise Books
singled lined, white & plain in colour, not more than 100 pages per book, only accept A4 size, soft cover
Five nos., to be replaced as needed
Ball Pens Ball Pens
"Bic Cristal"
Blue, Plastic, transparent body
Two nos. per month
Books Magazines, periodicals and other general reading materials
Six per month
Any publications contravening the requirements of Rule 56 of Prison Rules shall be denied.
Cards Cards
(a)Christmas Card (restricted to Christmas season), Birthday Cards, Greeting Cards (b) Calendar
size for both (a)&(b) not bigger than A4 size
(a) Not more than ten for each type (b) Not more than three (non-tear-off type).
Extra quantity may be allowed upon special approval.
Devotional books Devotional books
Any number
Articles requiring prior approval
Textbooks Textbooks
Quantity as approved
Aerogram Aerogram
Quantity as approved
Envelopes Envelopes
Quantity as approved
Letter Pad Letter Pad 
Quantity as approved
Stamps Stamps
Quantity as approved
Drawing Materials

Drawing Materials
(a) water colour (b) carbon pencil (c) crayon colour (d) colour pencil
(a) water colour - one drawing set including one dish, four brushes, one drawing book or drawing paper (b) carbon pencil - three nos. of carbon pencil and one drawing book (c) crayon colour - one drawing book (d) colour pencil - one box, pencil not more than 12 nos. and one drawing book 


Female Convicted Person - Others Type

Batteries Batteries
(a) "GP" Ultra Alkaline, "AA" or "AAA" size (b) Button type battery for the use of electronic calculator
Twelve batteries; and one extra button battery, issued on exchange basis
Photographs Photographs
Pictures maximum size: not bigger than 8R ( 25.4 cm x 20.3 cm )
Twenty nos. per month
Articles requiring prior approval
Musical Instrument Musical Instrument
non-electrical, wooden case, nylon string
One set at any time
Prizes Prizes
Cups, medals or commemorative token
Quantity as approved by the Head of Institution
Spectacles (a) Spectacles Plastic frame and lens (b) Spectacles Box Plastic and transparent (without metallic parts)
(a) One pair (b) One no.